
Getting to know the community
When settling into a community for the long haul, the locals become some of our most important stakeholders. So we try our best to fit in with the folks around us by offering a bit of hands-on learning.
Some of our favourites to date have been the Tracks and Rollers Course we offered to the local maraes during the cyclone recovery work, and our locally famous digger days where the kids get to see the life size versions of their toys.
Being part of the community has always meant helping wherever we can. We often sponsor local Maraes and schools, and we’re huge supporters of grassroots sports teams as well.
Considering we’re in a slightly more dangerous industry, we also love to support those who help out in times of need, like Westpac Chopper and the Auckland Starship Hospital.

Our team has a knack for fixing problems out in the wild. One of our last volunteering projects was on Tiritiri Matangi, an Island that’s home to some of NZ’s rarest birds. During the job, they discovered that most of the island’s ponds couldn’t hold water in the dry months. In fact, staff were putting out trays of water to aid the wildlife.
Our team brought this to our board, who signed off funding for the transportation and installation of geosynthetic clay liners into four of the ponds. As a result, the leaking stopped and the wildlife now have a consistent supply of standing water all year around.
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